Maintenance Service


Mecanova can do the maintenance of your installation.

mantenimiento-matadero- Outsource your maintenance and leave it the hands of the professionals.

- Reduce your investment in spare warehouse.

- Reduce your expense in fixed staff.

- Mecanova provides you the opportunity of do the maintenance of you installation. You won't have to employ unexperience staff more.

 We offer you a contract of maintenance per work days with electrical professionals and specializes mechanics.

We make you a maintenance plan according to the necesities of your installation.

You won't need a spare stock, we will give it you when you will need it.

 Benefit now of :
mantenimiento-salas despiece

  • Precautionary maintenance.
  • Corrective maintenance.
  • Reduced investment in spare warehouse.
  • Staff reduction.
  • Reduction of stops for a breakdown.

Call us, we will go to you installations, we will make you a free diagnosis and we offer you our service suitable to your necesities with staff with a high qualification and experience.

And we wiill keep you informated about our last novelties in machinery and productive ways.

How to set up an appointment?

Online application here.

Ask by yourself: +34 925 74 34 04

mantenimiento-instalaciones carnicas mantenimiento-centros logisticos   matenimiento-mataderos mantenimiento-fabrica jamones-via area